Friday, January 05, 2007

Sunday Services

Hey everyone!

So that you all know/can't say that you have forgotten, throughout the month of January, instead of all the 'official' sunday night services, instead they're doing something a little more relaxed called the "summer series".
Basically all it is is that each week we're going to go to a different place, for example this sunday, the 9th, i think they're going lawn bowling, or playing croquet.

I'll upload the list of events as soon as i find my sheet with them, but DONT MISS OUT!!!

This is going to be an extremely fun time, bring your friends along and get them involved too!

happy hols

< - Zac - >

Saturday, December 23, 2006


Hey guys,

Just want to say what a great job you guys did singing the carols, A+++ effort! I was very impressed! Special mentions to Nat and Steve for their contributions, and thanks to leaders for organisation.

I hope you guys have an absolutely fabulous Christmas, and January holidays (if you get them!), I will miss you all while I am in Vanuatu! Let's try to remember what Christmas is all about; celebrating the birth of Jesus and the way that He lived His life for others.

Take care of yourselves til Feb,
God bless, awesome people,



Thursday, December 14, 2006

3 weeks @ IC

Hey everyone,

Its been quite a while I guess since anyone has posted anything relating to the awesome nights that we had at Insano Cafonkey...i guess everyone has been busy, or has as bad a memory as me :P So anyways, in a small effort to revive this place, I guess I'll do a review on one or maybe more of the events that have happened in the last 3 weeks...

Most recently, being last week, we had an absolutely awesome formal "masquerade ball" night, which had some dancing, but not a lot...there was the Macarena, and we all got involved to do the grapevine, a fantastically fun traditional Jewish folk dance...other than that there was some decent enough music, snacks and lots of relaxed socialising, as much as you can have while being so dressed up.
Near the end of the night, there were some awards given out, best dancing i think which was won by Jill Hough, best mask won by Sam Pratt and "I made my dress while cleaning the house" best woman award which was won by Rachael Payne. Steve Poole got the "may I open the door for you" gentleman's award. There was also a "best worst dressed" award, which luckily nobody won.
Sooner or later, I think that I'll add some photos I took from the night...but maybe not just yet

Hmm...The week before that we had a drama night which was mostly hosted by Ryan, but there was a totally dismal turn out of the leaders, which they claim was because they were all going to some formal or debutante ball or some other excuse :P Well, that night we were all split into different groups and each group had to do a modern/adapted version of a specific fairy tale...that was interesting, there were lots of good stories that came out of that.

The week before that we had some sort of "murder mystery" night, where we started by playing some games and then got to the murder. Stanley whatever-his-surname-was had been killed on his wedding day, and everybody played characters that were at the ceremony. There was quite a bit of cross-genderal role-playing, which was quite funny and fun, and all the 'interviews' were just made up on the spot. In the end, we all decided who the killer was, and we found out we were right, something about a father with mob connections who didn't approve of his son or something

anyways, these are my memories of the nights, feel free to add your own bits & pieces to the mess

< - Z a c - >

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Hey all,
Just on that same note as Mase, the blog will be deleted, as in forever, if there is inappropriate language and/or comments written. (That means nice comments guys, and definitely not stuff that might embarrass anyone!)
Again, make sure you put your names on your posts/comments; this is to make sure we keep this a clean and friendly way to communicate.
Also, could someone please write a post for last Fri at IC. (I am still grieving over Stanley's death, and I think it could bring me some closure!)
See you all on Friday!
Shalom (which means peace in Hebrew! -at least I think in Hebrew, but it definitely means peace!)

Saturday, November 18, 2006

band out bak/bring on the marshies

where do we start... there was no band out the bak and there was no marshies!!!
but there was a bunch of elderly angels nd sum road killers and buckeneers
we were outside for the 1st half hour or so playin octapus (did Kerri win?) and rock paper scissors and so on and so forth. katterz (me) got hit in the face wif a ball! that was hilarious!

and then some peeps just had 2 get cold! (nah it all good)
but we went into 4 grps to make a band dance thingo- 2 chik nd 2 dude. this is were the bazare names frm above r from. oh yeah and we think we saw a couple of dancing pigs too......or was that the guys?? (jks) but it was a pretty funi nite. lol the music we had to dance to was 'teddy bears picnic' the road killers only ened up being 3 leaders cos all the youth peeps were scared (of heights nd road kill) yes a very entertaining nyt

and thats exactly how it happened (pretty much.....)
katters nd mollie : )

Thursday, November 16, 2006

New way of signing in...

Hey guys,
Use 'in3ano' as the password and insanocafonkey as the username and you will be able to post. Sorry for the confusion. Our blog is now tied to two email accounts, mine and, our new youth group email address! (Which I had to create so that we could create posts!! hehe!)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

IMPORTANT: New way to log in...

Hi guys,
To create a post we now need to LOGIN THROUGH which is tied to my gmail account. It means that we should have more formatting options and therefore an incredibly excellent blog, rather than simply an excellent blog! (Also, spell checking works!!)
To write a comment just do the same thing as usual!
Any Q's?

Also, PLEASE, please, please put your name on your comments guys!

Did we have someone to do a summary of last Friday? (Superhero Night) I don't remember chatting about it, so can someone please write one?

You guys rocks in socks!
